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Wool Applique Crane Design

Please note that each wool appliqué kit is expertly color planned to be similar to but
not exactly as the designer's original. A variety of textured, solid and hand-dyed wool is used
to create each kit. A cotton, flannel or wool backing fabric is included in each kit.

Patterns and Kits

Mill Creek Run


Country Acres

Winter Sleigh Ride

The Reunion

Farm to Market

Fish Tales


Frostbite Farm

Fresh Start

Dance All Nite

Leap Frog


Passing Time

Midnite Runner

Snow Bound

Three Sisters

Pansy Passion

The Potting Shed


Apples & Spice

Cultivating Colour

Dawn to Dusk

Chicken in a Basket

Autumn Allure

Santa Travels by Land

Santa Travels by Air

Santa Travels by Sea

Special Delivery

Crescent Moon Farm

Chicken Shack

Rambling Rabbit

Wooly Daze

Flocking Crows

Winter Solstice

Winter Fantasy

Chickadee Wonderland

Krispy Winter Days

Snow Crows

Snow Shepherd

Cardinals' Chattering


Last Call

Daisy Delight

Sheep in the Nite


Sheep Oasis

Harvest Moon

English Flower Garden

Out on a Limb

Bloom'n Poppies

Lakeside Cabin

Water Lily Magic

Ocean Breeze

Birds in Bloom

Garden Purrr-fect

Garden Basket

Pig Heaven

Country Pride

Waters Edge

Frozen in Time

Wild Iris

Nature's Affair

Mothers Love



Crow City Seed Company

Evening of Enchantment

Heartful Tomorrows

Blackbirds Calling

Still Waters

Sunflower Glory

Whispering Twilight

Hollyville Manor

Cardinal Duet

Once in a Blue Moon

Streaming for Rainbow

Wandering the Shores

Bunting & Thistle

Goldfinch & Poppies

Humming Trumpets

Whistling Warblers

Nuthatch Bliss

Daffodil Dazzle

Gold in the Garden

Rose of Sharon


Fly Bye Night

Humming Glory

Pheasant Trails

Across the Pond

Out to Sea


Wings of Magic

Mystical Moon

Heavenly Hollyhocks

Owl in the Nite

Mystical Woodland

Polar Penguins

Patterns Only

Best Buddies

Bluebirds & Hollyhocks

Carrot Carousel

Cavalier Crows

Crow Convention


Fall Foraging

Fall Gathering

Grandma's Garden

Just a Buzz'n

Koi Pond

Lighthouse Landing

Nutty Nuance

Oak'n Berries

Percy's Pumpkin Patch



Rocky Shores

Snow Kids

Snowman Parade

Sugar Shack

Tree Farm

Winter Haven



Cherry Picken

Tree of Life

Transitional Inspirations

Twin Freeze

Pumpkin Panache


Afternoon Affair

Snowy Symposium

Spring Revival

Cardinal Amour

Tulip Trilogy

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